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Sunday, March 14, 2010


For many years we have searched the atlas books and scrutinized the globe with our magnifying glass, but with time and technology comes the invention of Electronic Atlases.
Electronic atlases are software support tool that is used for:

  • Research espeacially in Geography.
  • References
  • Exploring such as hiking and travelling.

It can also be used by:

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Travellers
  • Professionals example meterologist, Journalist etc.

Electronic atlases can be used in the classroom by allowing students to view countries, mountains, rivers, oceans, and special territories around the world in a real life setting. Most of our students in Trinidad and Tobago may not have had the opportunity to travel to other countries, electronic atlases brings that experience to them. Students can use a sample product such as to explore these places of interest and research. It is simple to use, just highlight the country of your choice, and it's location, name in English, local language, capital, national products and population appears at your finger tips.

There are many benefits of Electronic Atlases in education:

  • CD-Rom Versions of these atlases are available.
  • It's colour, text and mapping is very appealing to the eye which encourages motivation and enhances instruction in the classroom.
  • They are interactive so students can explore, navigate and discover facts, which incorporates the constructivist approach of teaching.
  • Some atlases even play national songs on request.
  • Some sites also help teach geographic concepts by showing distance between points example
  • It caters for different learning modalities such as visual, audio and kinestetic.
  • Cost to use this software support tool is cheap.

There are minor hiccups of electronic atlases in Trinidad and Tobago Classrooms not all schools have fully equipped and functional computers to access this particular software. This serve as a major disadvantage for our students.


Roblyer, M.D. (2006).Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching 4th Ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Higher Education.ver, New Jersey: Pearson Higher Education.

Hyperlink and sample screen Retrieved on March, 14, 2010. From

Hyperlink, Retrieved March, 14, 2010. From